Influencer Game Promotion: A Beginner's Guide With Lurkit

Lurkit Team
November 25, 2021

You have done it, congrats! Your game is preparing for launch, publishing fees are taken care of, now all you need to do is promote your game. Despite being a genius of game design and development, regrettably you are unsure of exactly where to start in your game promotion. So you turn to Google searching for answers: “how to promote game,” “game promotion tips,” and many other variations fill your search history. Thankfully, Lurkit is here to help with a beginners guide on promoting your title and finding the audience that your game was meant for.


Promotion Basics

To promote a new title, one must do more than just scream at the void and hope to be heard. From paid advertising to organic growth, promotion takes time and effort and can often be just as difficult as the game production process. However, there are several basics that you can use to get started promoting your title and preparing for that big launch day.

Brag, talk, and be excited are the foundations of your promotion campaign. You have put a ton of work into your title, and it is okay to spread the word as loudly as possible when attracting your new audience. However, you must make the release and promotion about your consumer rather than just you. Talk about how the game can benefit the player, spread the word of your innovative designs that they may not know about, or explore partnership options with influencers and game critics across the web.


Build Hype

For a newly releasing game, the goal is to build hype and push for a large and exciting launch window. Be excited, and your community will grow around your inherent energy and enthusiasm! Memes, gifs, interactive hashtag events, and many other opportunities can be found across the web to help hype up your project. 

A good way of gaining some extra momentum in your campaign, in regards to hype at least, is to connect with other developers. Promote your title, interact with their fans, and share a growth opportunity that will turn into a resounding base for your promotional future.


Word of Mouth

Once your reputation online is established, you can amplify your message through word of mouth-based campaigns. Giveaways, interviews, and other activities can spread the message of your new title and engage the players at a more casual level. While professionalism is important, there is a level of personal connection that fans seek in their gaming experiences. Talk about your game, find other people to talk about your game, and watch as your word of mouth efforts spread across the gaming community.

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Influencers with Lurkit

Connecting and promoting with Influencers is a great way to get a small or large title off the ground. Influencers spend hours recording, producing, and showcasing content to their fans. By supplying them with your title, you can benefit off of their community and spread your message directly with the target consumer. 

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