Part 2: Giving Away Your Game for Free - Why This Could Be The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make

Anastacia Shepitko
July 9, 2024

In Part 1 of this series, we interviewed our Head of Sales, Daniel Thorsen, who shared invaluable insights on the true power of organic campaigns, and showed readers how thoughtful key distribution can yield significant returns in campaign effectiveness and audience reach.

In this Part 2, we’ll delve deeper into Daniel's expert advice, focusing on utilizing Lurkit's Results & Reporting tool to its fullest. Additionally, discover the value of game key giveaways as an investment in visibility and understand the importance of engaging both large and small content creators to build a loyal and supportive community.

If you'd like to learn about setting up effective organic campaigns on Lurkit, leveraging smaller creators, utilizing Lurkit's automation features, and strategic key distribution to enhance visibility and engagement, go to our Part 1. We also discussed successful onboarding strategies, particularly through a case study with Deep Silver, and provided tips for optimizing co-op and indie game campaigns.

Now join us as we further uncover more on how to maximize your game's potential through effective creator partnerships and thoughtful marketing practices.

Campaign Smarter: Lurkit’s Insights to the Rescue!

Tapping into the strength of Lurkit's comprehensive data 

“There's so much to be gained from using Lurkit's tools,” says Daniel. Take full control of your creator marketing efforts with Lurkit's new Results & Reporting tool. This feature is designed to help you make the most of your data. Navigate to the 'Results & Reporting' section in the left panel to get a comprehensive overview of all your activations. The tool offers global filters that allow you to tailor your results based on date ranges, specific activations, games, and more, making it incredibly flexible. Detailed tables provide deep insights into game performance, creator contributions, and activation metrics. Track essential metrics such as new enrollments, completions, clicks, views gained, stream hours watched, hours streamed, and uploads. For activations, you can monitor participation rates, content performance, and engagement metrics, while creator profiles offer detailed metrics on content contributions and engagement stats.

Daniel speaks about these features enthusiastically, “With our Results & Reporting tool, you can truly optimize your marketing campaigns. Imagine having the ability to filter and analyze your data with such precision, ensuring you get the most out of every activation. It's not just about gathering data; it's about transforming it into actionable insights that drive your game's success.”

Easily invite people from the old campaigns back to a new one 

One of the standout features is the ability to easily invite participants from past campaigns to new ones, leveraging the data Lurkit displays. “This ensures continuity with content creators who have already demonstrated their value before,” Daniel notes. The summary bar provides a quick overview of essential metrics for your Creator Program, such as applicants, accepted members, content creators, and content creations. Navigating through this information is straightforward, with a responsive interface that updates dynamically as you apply filters. Lurkit’s Results & Reporting tool centralizes essential metrics and simplifies navigation, providing actionable insights to optimize your activation strategies. This powerful tool is all about making your campaigns more effective and your analysis more efficient.

Game Keys for Buzz: Why Freebies Pay Off

“Don't view game key giveaways as a budget drain. Instead, see them as an investment in your game's visibility and success,” Daniel explains.

One common misconception among game developers is the idea that giving away a game key equates to losing $20. Daniel clarifies, “This perspective overlooks a critical point: the key was never sold in the first place. The real value of giving away a game key lies in the content creators' ability to generate buzz and drive sales through their audience. The opportunity to have content creators play and promote your game can lead to significant returns, far outweighing the initial cost of the keys given away.”

“With an average of 35 games released on Steam every day, standing out from the competition is crucial,” he adds. “By distributing a large number of keys, you increase the chances of your game being played, reviewed, and recommended by content creators.”

Lurkit Platform Use Tip:
Want More Exposure? Reach out for a feature!

Looking to elevate your game's presence? Reach out to our team to explore options for featuring your game on our platform alongside new and existing titles, or even taking over our homepage with special curated content, newsletter to creators, announcement on Lurkit Discord and more. 
We're here to help boost your game's visibility and connect you with a wider audience. Get in touch with us to learn more about these opportunities.

Tag, You’re It!: Boosting Game Popularity with Social Shoutouts

“One essential strategy I stress to my clients is the importance of engaging with players on social media,” Daniel emphasizes. “If a big content creator plays your game, make sure to tag them on platforms like Twitter and thank them for playing. When these influencers interact with your tweet by liking, commenting, or retweeting, it exposes your game to their entire follower base, providing valuable free exposure.”

“However, it’s not just about engaging with the biggest influencers,” he continues. “You should also connect with the most dedicated content creators, regardless of their follower count. For instance, if a small content creator has invested 100 hours into your game, acknowledging their dedication on your social channels can make their week. This recognition not only boosts their morale but also shows your community that you value all players, not just the high-profile ones.”

By tagging and interacting with both large and small creators, you demonstrate a commitment to your entire community. “This inclusive approach fosters loyalty and builds a supportive, engaged fan base,” Daniel points out. “Ultimately, this strategy helps establish your studio or publishing company as a player-focused and community-oriented entity, enhancing your overall brand reputation. Engaging with your community in this way is a simple yet powerful tip that should be a cornerstone of your marketing efforts.”

In Summary

Maximizing your game’s marketing potential requires a strategic approach and thoughtful engagement. Here’s a quick recap of essential strategies to help you succeed:

Use Data Wisely: Lurkit's Results & Reporting tool is your go-to for tracking key metrics and optimizing your campaigns.

Give Away Keys Strategically: Don’t see it as a loss. Giving away game keys can generate buzz and drive sales, making it a smart investment.

Engage Creators of All Sizes: Show appreciation to both big influencers and dedicated small creators to build a loyal, supportive community.

Keep Your Campaigns Active: Treat your marketing efforts as a long-term game, maintaining continuous engagement to boost brand recognition.

Boost Visibility: For extra exposure, consider featuring your game on platforms or taking over homepages to reach a wider audience.

Implement these strategies to make your game stand out and create a strong, lasting presence in the market. 

Ready to revolutionize your game launch strategy? Let's chat! Schedule a demo with our team and let's create some magic together.

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