Tips for YouTube influencer marketing for game developers

Lurkit Team
November 18, 2021

As influencer marketing continues to trend upwards, it is becoming even more necessary for developers of all sizes to understand how to run a campaign. Each platform requires a special touch, and for YouTube influencer marketing game developers should look deeper than just view count and subscriber numbers. The key to a successful influencer marketing campaign is to understand the influencer’s share of voice, and this is even more important when looking towards a platform like YouTube.

YouTube influencer marketing

Unlike a stream, YouTube videos tend to be shorter in length and replayed several times by a wide variety of audiences. While some streams do share a similar effect, YouTube is designed as a shareable medium by default. When designing an influencer marketing campaign for YouTube, this shareability needs to be considered. Beginning, middle, and end plugs can help ensure that the audience is reminded of your game even while the influencer gives their honest thoughts and reviews.


Sponsorship Pitfalls

While sponsorship is a great thing for many influencers, some may try to take advantage of their position. Be sure to layout all the expectations and terms clearly for your influencer marketing campaign at the beginning. By setting the grounds of what can and cannot be said about and on behalf of your project, there is a higher chance that the influencer’s efforts will be in line with your overall marketing strategy.

Reputation is Key

Select influencers on a wide variety of parameters. For YouTube influencer marketing, platforms like Lurkit are a great place to gauge the reputation and  share of voice that an influencer has. Monitor what titles they often play, select more obscure influencer voices, and benefit off of their reputation to the perfect audience. Selecting the right influencer can put any influencer marketing campaign leaps and bounds above competitor efforts.


Find the Right Influencers with Lurkit

Lurkit is the best premium resource available for promoting your next game through a influencer marketing campaign, and our hands-on staff can help guide your promotion into a successful launch. Select from YouTubers and streamers using in-depth analytic analysis provided all on one platform.

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